
Suggestions for Better Sleep


  •  Avoid alcohol (wine, beer, and hard liquor) within 3 hours of bedtime.

  •  Avoid caffeine-containing beverages or foods after 2 pm; if sensitive to caffeine, avoid it after 12 noon.


  •  Avoid anxiety-provoking activities  close to bedtime.

  •  Avoid watching the news before going to bed.

  •  Avoid reading stimulating, exciting  materials in bed.

  •  Avoid paying bills before bed.

  • Avoid checking your financial reports or the stock market before bedtime.  

  • Avoid arguments before bedtime.  Schedule difficult conversations well before bedtime—preferably at least 3 hours before.


  •  Plan your sleep by putting it into your schedule; plan for 81⁄2 to 9    hours in bed.

  •  As much as possible, go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.

  •  Avoid Sudafed or other decongestant cold medicines at night.      

  • Complete any aerobic exercise before 6 pm (or at least 3 hours before bedtime).

  • There are many relaxing yoga or stress reducing mindful breathing CDs or DVDs available to help you find a relaxing bedtime ritual that works for you.

  •   A hot bath also relaxes muscles and reduces tension.Add 1-2 cups Epson salts (magnesium sulfate absorbed through the skin is very relaxing), 1⁄2 to 1        cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate which is alkalizing to a stressed out acidic body) and 10 drops lavender oil (helps lower cortisol levels).

  •  Finish all eating 3 hours prior to going to sleep.

  •  Avoid getting in bed after midnight as late-hour sleep is not as helpful as earlier sleep.

  • Avoid late afternoon or evening naps.

  • Avoid drinking more than 4-8 ounces of fluid before going to bed.

  • Try to achieve some action plan or resolution of a discussion or argument before trying to go to sleep.

  • Avoid repeated negative judgments about the fact that you are unable to sleep. 

  • Use positive self-talk phrases regarding your ability to relax and fall asleep:“I can fall asleep.”“I can relax.”“Any amount of sleep I get is just fine.”

  • Try writing in your journal any disturbing thoughts that are running through your mind.

  • Avoid naps longer than 45 minutes unless you are sick or quite sleep deprived. 

  • Avoid large meals or spicy foods before bed.



  •  Consider reading a good neutral book under low light to help with falling asleep.

  •  Don’t stay in bed more than 20-30 minutes trying to fall asleep. Leave your bedroom and go to a relaxing room other than the bedroom and read or do a relaxation technique (e.g., meditation).

  •  If you awaken early because of light, put a dark covering over your eyes.

  •  If you awaken early because of recurrent thoughts, try writing them in a journal. If this does not help, consider counseling. Depression might be a factor. Computers and monitors. Consider moving these devices or moving your bed or your position in the bed. Consider using a Tri Field or other meter to test for these fields.

  •  Avoid sleeping on a water bed or an electric mattress because of the excessive heat and the electric fields.

  •  Consider replacing your pillows with hypoallergenic pillows. Use ultrafine allergy pillow and mattress covers.

  •  Sleep on the highest quality bed linens you can afford.

  •  Consider 1⁄2 hour exposure to a blue or 10,000 lux bright light (first thing in the morning) if you are going to bed too late and want to shift to an earlier bedtime.


  •  Turn down the light in the bathroom and in rooms you are in 15 minutes before going to bed.

  •  Decrease the light in your bedroom by using a dimmer or a reading light with a dimmer.

  •  Use dark window shades or consider a set of eye shades or a black covering for your eyes when trying to sleep or if you awaken too early because of light.

  •  Decrease irritating noises in your space by closing windows, using


  •  Consider using a “side sleeper” pillow for under your neck when sleeping on your side

  •  Consider using a body pillow to hug and put between your knees to


  •  Consider taking bedtime natural support.

  •  Melatonin – 1-5 mg to fall asleep. and/or 5-20 mg time released melatonin to stay asleep

  •   Magnesium/Calcium –250-500 mg is a typical dose OR magnesium citrate or glycinate 400-800 mg at bedtime.

  •  Establish an evening herbal tea habit, such as lemon balm and passion flower, to support relaxation and sleep onset.   Turn off or remove any appliances or clocks that make noise.  

  • Make sure your sleeping area is the correct temperature range (not too hot or too cold).